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1. 输入法的弹出

1.1 InputMethodManager.showSoftInput()

输入法弹出入口有 TextViewSearchViewNumberPicker 等。这几个控件都是调用 InputMethodManagershowSoftInput() 方法弹出的。

TextViewonTouchView() 方法中,如果满足情况会调用 showSoftInput() 方法。

if (touchIsFinished && (isTextEditable() || textIsSelectable)) {
    // Show the IME, except when selecting in read-only text.
    final InputMethodManager imm = InputMethodManager.peekInstance();
    if (isTextEditable() && mEditor.mShowSoftInputOnFocus && imm != null) {
        imm.showSoftInput(this, 0);

1.2 InputMethodManager.mServiceView

showSoftInput() 方法中 mServedView 和传入的 View 对象要一致,否则返回 false。mServedView 指的是输入法正在服务的 View 对象,其实就是接收输入法输入操作的 View 对象

最终会调用 InputMethodManagerServiceshowSoftInput() 方法弹出输入法窗口。

public boolean showSoftInput(View view, int flags, ResultReceiver resultReceiver) {
    synchronized (mH) {
        if (mServedView != view && (mServedView == null
                || !mServedView.checkInputConnectionProxy(view))) {
            return false;
        try {
            return mService.showSoftInput(mClient, flags, resultReceiver);
        } catch (RemoteException e) {
            throw e.rethrowFromSystemServer();

checkFocusNoStartInput() 方法中把 mNextServedView 赋值给了 mServedViewmNextServedView 是在 focusInLocked() 方法中赋值的。

private boolean checkFocusNoStartInput(boolean forceNewFocus) {
    // This is called a lot, so short-circuit before locking.
    if (mServedView == mNextServedView && !forceNewFocus) {
        return false;
    synchronized (mH) {
        if (mServedView == mNextServedView && !forceNewFocus) {
            return false;
        mServedView = mNextServedView;
    return true;

void focusInLocked(View view) {
    mNextServedView = view;

focusInLocked() 方法中最后调用的 scheduleCheckFocusLocked() 方法会调用 ViewRootIml 对象的 dispatchCheckFocus() 方法,而这个方法会向 Handler 发送消息,最终会调用 InputMethodManagercheckFocus() 方法。在 checkFocus() 方法中会调用上面的提到的 checkFocusNoStartInput() 方法,就会把获取焦点的 View 对象设置为 mServedView 了。

// android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager
static void scheduleCheckFocusLocked(View view) {
    ViewRootImpl viewRootImpl = view.getViewRootImpl();
    if (viewRootImpl != null) {

// android.view.ViewRootImpl
public void dispatchCheckFocus() {
    if (!mHandler.hasMessages(MSG_CHECK_FOCUS)) {
        // This will result in a call to checkFocus() below.

final class ViewRootHandler extends Handler {
    public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
        case MSG_CHECK_FOCUS: {
            InputMethodManager imm = InputMethodManager.peekInstance();
            if (imm != null) {
        } break;

如果 checkFocusNoStartInput() 方法返回 true,则调用 startInputInner() 方法,该方法会建立 InputConnection 把输入法和 View 绑定起来。

// android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager
public void checkFocus() {
    if (checkFocusNoStartInput(false)) {
        startInputInner(InputMethodClient.START_INPUT_REASON_CHECK_FOCUS, null, 0, 0, 0);

1.3 InputMethodManager.focusInLocked()

上面提到调用 focusInLocked() 方法后,最终会把参数 View 对象赋值给 mServedView。该方法有两个地方调用,一个是 focusIn() 方法,一个是 onPostWindowFocus() 方法。

1.3.1 InputMethodManager.focusIn()

focusIn() 方法是在 View 中在四种情况下会调用。

  1. Window 已经获得了焦点的情况下 View 获得焦点。
  2. 暂时的 detach 结束后。
  3. View 获得焦点的情况下 Window 重新获得焦点。
  4. View attach 到 Window 时获得焦点。
// android.view.View
 * Called by the view system when the focus state of this view changes.
protected void onFocusChanged(boolean gainFocus, @FocusDirection int direction,
        @Nullable Rect previouslyFocusedRect) {
    InputMethodManager imm = InputMethodManager.peekInstance();
    if (!gainFocus) {
    } else if (imm != null && mAttachInfo != null && mAttachInfo.mHasWindowFocus) {

 * Dispatch {@link #onFinishTemporaryDetach()} to this View and its direct children if this is
 * a container View.
public void dispatchFinishTemporaryDetach() {
    mPrivateFlags3 &= ~PFLAG3_TEMPORARY_DETACH;
    if (hasWindowFocus() && hasFocus()) {

public void onWindowFocusChanged(boolean hasWindowFocus) {
    InputMethodManager imm = InputMethodManager.peekInstance();
    if (!hasWindowFocus) {
    } else if (imm != null && (mPrivateFlags & PFLAG_FOCUSED) != 0) {

protected void onAttachedToWindow() {
    if (isFocused()) {
        InputMethodManager imm = InputMethodManager.peekInstance();
        if (imm != null) {

1.3.2 InputManagerMethod.onPostWindowFocus()

onPostWindowFocus() 方法是在 Window 获得焦点的时候被调用,是在 ViewImplRootperformTraversals() 方法和 handleWindowFocusChanged() 方法中当获得焦点的时候调用。

2. 输入法的收起

输入法的收起与弹出类似,最终是调用 InputMethodManagerService 的 hideSoftInput() 方法收起的。而调用该方法的有两处,一个是 closeCurrentInput() 方法,一个是 hideSoftInputFromWindow() 方法。

这两个方法都是 Client 主动调用的,还有一种情况是,当一个新的 Window 获得焦点的时候输入法会自动收起来的。这个机制的目的是新弹出的 Window 也有可能需要使用输入法,所以需要先收起来,然后使用的时候再弹出来。

2.1 InputMethodManager.closeCurrentInput()

closeCurentInput() 方法的调用有两处,一个是在 startInputInner() 方法中如果 mServedViewgetHandler() 返回 null,则调用 closeCurrentInput() 方法,属于异常情况。

boolean startInputInner(@InputMethodClient.StartInputReason final int startInputReason,
        IBinder windowGainingFocus, int controlFlags, int softInputMode,
        int windowFlags) {
    final View view;
    synchronized (mH) {
        view = mServedView;

    // Now we need to get an input connection from the served view.
    // This is complicated in a couple ways: we can't be holding our lock
    // when calling out to the view, and we need to make sure we call into
    // the view on the same thread that is driving its view hierarchy.
    Handler vh = view.getHandler();
    if (vh == null) {
        // If the view doesn't have a handler, something has changed out
        // from under us, so just close the current input.
        // If we don't close the current input, the current input method can remain on the
        // screen without a connection.
        if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "ABORT input: no handler for view! Close current input.");
        return false;

另一个是 checkFocusNoStartInput() 方法中当 mNextServedView == null 时调用。

private boolean checkFocusNoStartInput(boolean forceNewFocus) {
    synchronized (mH) {
        if (mNextServedView == null) {
            // In this case, we used to have a focused view on the window,
            // but no longer do.  We should make sure the input method is
            // no longer shown, since it serves no purpose.
            return false;

那什么时候 mNextServedView 会赋值为 null。这也有两种情况,一个是当 removeView() 的时候调用 InputMethodManagerwindowDismissed() 方法,它又调用 finishInputLocked() 方法,在这个方法中会给 mNextServedView 赋值为 null。这个时候焦点会发生改变,进而调用 checkFocusNoStartInput() 方法,如果这时没有获得焦点的 View,则 mNextServedView 始终为 null,所以最终会调用 closeCurrentInput()

还有一种情况,当 ViewWindow detach 的时候,即调用 onViewDetachedFromWindow() 方法时会把 mNextServedView 会赋值为 null,然后调用 scheduleCheckFocusLocked() 方法触发收起输入法。

2.2 InputMethodManager.hideSoftInputFromWindow

hideSoftInputFromWindow() 方法是 public 的,需要传入参数 IBinder 对象 windowToken。例如,TextView 的 setEnable() 方法中,如果 enable 为 false,则会调用该方法。

// android.widget.TextView
public void setEnabled(boolean enabled) {
    if (enabled == isEnabled()) {

    if (!enabled) {
        // Hide the soft input if the currently active TextView is disabled
        InputMethodManager imm = InputMethodManager.peekInstance();
        if (imm != null && imm.isActive(this)) {
            imm.hideSoftInputFromWindow(getWindowToken(), 0);

// android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager
public boolean hideSoftInputFromWindow(IBinder windowToken, int flags) {
    return hideSoftInputFromWindow(windowToken, flags, null);
public boolean hideSoftInputFromWindow(IBinder windowToken, int flags,
        ResultReceiver resultReceiver) {
    synchronized (mH) {
        if (mServedView == null || mServedView.getWindowToken() != windowToken) {
            return false;
        try {
            return mService.hideSoftInput(mClient, flags, resultReceiver);
        } catch (RemoteException e) {
            throw e.rethrowFromSystemServer();

2.3 新的 Window 获得焦点时的输入法收起

当一个新的 Window 获得焦点的时候 InputMethodManageronPostWindowFocus() 方法被调用,在 1.3.2 中也有说明。在该方法中也会调用 startInputInner() 方法。

// android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager
    * Called by ViewAncestor when its window gets input focus.
    * @hide
public void onPostWindowFocus(View rootView, View focusedView,
        @SoftInputModeFlags int softInputMode, boolean first, int windowFlags) {
    boolean forceNewFocus = false;
    synchronized (mH) {
        focusInLocked(focusedView != null ? focusedView : rootView);
    if (checkFocusNoStartInput(forceNewFocus)) {
        // We need to restart input on the current focus view.  This
        // should be done in conjunction with telling the system service
        // about the window gaining focus, to help make the transition
        // smooth.
        if (startInputInner(InputMethodClient.START_INPUT_REASON_WINDOW_FOCUS_GAIN,
                rootView.getWindowToken(), controlFlags, softInputMode, windowFlags)) {

startInputInner() 方法比较长,在上面也说明了,这个方法主要是绑定输入法和 View。在这个方法中会调用 InputMethodManagerServicestartInputOrWindowGainedFocus() 方法绑定输入法。

// android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager
boolean startInputInner(@InputMethodClient.StartInputReason final int startInputReason,
        IBinder windowGainingFocus, int controlFlags, int softInputMode,
        int windowFlags) {
    synchronized (mH) {
        try {
            if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "START INPUT: view=" + dumpViewInfo(view) + " ic="
                    + ic + " tba=" + tba + " controlFlags=#"
                    + Integer.toHexString(controlFlags));
            final InputBindResult res = mService.startInputOrWindowGainedFocus(
                    startInputReason, mClient, windowGainingFocus, controlFlags, softInputMode,
                    windowFlags, tba, servedContext, missingMethodFlags,

startInputOrWindowGainedFocus() 方法名中可看到,它有两种情况。看代码可知,当 windowToken 不为 null 的时候会调用 windowGainedFocus() 方法,否则调用 startInput() 方法。

// com.android.server.InputMethodManagerService
public InputBindResult startInputOrWindowGainedFocus(
        /* @InputMethodClient.StartInputReason */ final int startInputReason,
        IInputMethodClient client, IBinder windowToken, int controlFlags, int softInputMode,
        int windowFlags, @Nullable EditorInfo attribute, IInputContext inputContext,
        /* @InputConnectionInspector.missingMethods */ final int missingMethods,
        int unverifiedTargetSdkVersion) {
    final InputBindResult result;
    if (windowToken != null) {
        result = windowGainedFocus(startInputReason, client, windowToken, controlFlags,
                softInputMode, windowFlags, attribute, inputContext, missingMethods,
    } else {
        result = startInput(startInputReason, client, inputContext, missingMethods, attribute,
    return result;

继续看 Window 获得焦点情况,即 windowGainedFocus() 方法。其中 startInputMode 参数是 Window 要求的输入法状态,如果没有指定则是 SOFT_INPUT_STATE_UNSPECIFIED。然后如果 isTextEditor 为 false 或 doAutoShow 为 false,则继续判断该 Window 是否可能使用输入法,它调用 mayUseInputMethod() 方法判断。

// com.android.server.InputMethodManagerService
private InputBindResult windowGainedFocus(
        /* @InputMethodClient.StartInputReason */ final int startInputReason,
        IInputMethodClient client, IBinder windowToken, int controlFlags,
        /* @android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams.SoftInputModeFlags */ int softInputMode,
        int windowFlags, EditorInfo attribute, IInputContext inputContext,
        /* @InputConnectionInspector.missingMethods */  final int missingMethods,
        int unverifiedTargetSdkVersion) {
    try {
        synchronized (mMethodMap) {
            switch (softInputMode&WindowManager.LayoutParams.SOFT_INPUT_MASK_STATE) {
                case WindowManager.LayoutParams.SOFT_INPUT_STATE_UNSPECIFIED:
                    if (!isTextEditor || !doAutoShow) {
                        if (WindowManager.LayoutParams.mayUseInputMethod(windowFlags)) {
                            // There is no focus view, and this window will
                            // be behind any soft input window, so hide the
                            // soft input window if it is shown.
                            if (DEBUG) Slog.v(TAG, "Unspecified window will hide input");
                            hideCurrentInputLocked(InputMethodManager.HIDE_NOT_ALWAYS, null);

mayUseInputMethod() 方法检查传入的 windowFlags 是否设置了 FLAG_NOT_FOCUSABLEFLAG_ALT_FOCUSABLE_IM。如果没有设置这两个 Flag 或同时设置了这两个 Flag 都会返回 true,即,该 Window 可能会使用输入法。默认状态下这两个 Flag 都不会设置,因此 windowGainedFocus() 方法中最终会调用 hideCurrentInputLocked() 方法收起输入法。

// android.view.WindowManager
public static class LayoutParams extends ViewGroup.LayoutParams implements Parcelable {    
        * Given a particular set of window manager flags, determine whether
        * such a window may be a target for an input method when it has
        * focus.  In particular, this checks the
        * {@link #FLAG_NOT_FOCUSABLE} and {@link #FLAG_ALT_FOCUSABLE_IM}
        * flags and returns true if the combination of the two corresponds
        * to a window that needs to be behind the input method so that the
        * user can type into it.
        * @param flags The current window manager flags.
        * @return Returns true if such a window should be behind/interact
        * with an input method, false if not.
    public static boolean mayUseInputMethod(int flags) {
            case 0:
                return true;
        return false;


FLAG_ALT_FOCUSABLE_IM 是文章标题中出现的,为什么关注该 Flag?因为当 addWindow() 的时候默认是会收起输入法的,但是当显示一个 AlertDialog 的时候并不会。分析后得知,当 AlertDialog 调用 show() 时,如果不是自定义 View 或自定义 View 不能输入,则会设置 FLAG_ALT_FOCUSABLE_IM

// com.android.internal.app.AlertController
private void setupCustomContent(ViewGroup customPanel) {
    final View customView;
    if (mView != null) {
        customView = mView;
    } else if (mViewLayoutResId != 0) {
        final LayoutInflater inflater = LayoutInflater.from(mContext);
        customView = inflater.inflate(mViewLayoutResId, customPanel, false);
    } else {
        customView = null;
    final boolean hasCustomView = customView != null;
    if (!hasCustomView || !canTextInput(customView)) {

因此,AlertDialog 弹出的时候 mayUseInputMethod() 方法会返回 false,所以也不会调用 hideCurrentInputLocked() 方法收起输入法。


An Android framework developer.

Window Touchable Region

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