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mDisplayId 是跟物理屏幕相关的,DEFAULT_DISPLAY 的值是 0,mDisplayWidth 是物理屏幕宽度,mDisplayHeight 是物理屏幕高度。

 * The current size of the screen; really; extends into the overscan area of the screen and
 * doesn't account for any system elements like the status bar.
public final Rect mOverscan = new Rect();
 * The current visible size of the screen; really; (ir)regardless of whether the status bar can
 * be hidden but not extending into the overscan area.
public final Rect mUnrestricted = new Rect();
/** Like mOverscan*, but allowed to move into the overscan region where appropriate. */
public final Rect mRestrictedOverscan = new Rect();
 * The current size of the screen; these may be different than (0,0)-(dw,dh) if the status bar
 * can't be hidden; in that case it effectively carves out that area of the display from all
 * other windows.
public final Rect mRestricted = new Rect();
  • mOverscan 是当前的屏幕大小,包括过扫描区域。过扫描区域在输出到 TV 时会用到,对于移动设备来说 mOverscan 大小就是物理设备的大小 (0,0)-(dw,dh)。关于 Overscan 可参考 Android 官网这篇博客
  • mUnrestricted 是当前可见的屏幕大小,其实就是 (0,0)-(dw,dh)
  • 一般情况下 mRestrictedOverscanmRestricted 相同,是应用可显示的区域,包含 StatusBar 的区域,不包含 NavigationBar 区域。
 * During layout, the current screen borders accounting for any currently visible system UI
 * elements.
public final Rect mSystem = new Rect();

/** For applications requesting stable content insets, these are them. */
public final Rect mStable = new Rect();

 * For applications requesting stable content insets but have also set the fullscreen window
 * flag, these are the stable dimensions without the status bar.
public final Rect mStableFullscreen = new Rect();
  • mSystem 是布局过程中,当前画面的边界,包含 Translucent(半透明)区域。一般情况下 NavigationBar 区域不是 Translucent,而 StatusBar 是 Translucent。
  • mStable 是应用窗口的显示区域,不包含 StatusBar 和 NavigationBar。
  • mStableFullscreen 是当 Activity 设置 Fullscreen flag 时候的窗口显示区域,这时 StatusBar 会隐藏。
 * During layout, the current screen borders with all outer decoration (status bar, input method
 * dock) accounted for.
public final Rect mCurrent = new Rect();

 * During layout, the frame in which content should be displayed to the user, accounting for all
 * screen decoration except for any space they deem as available for other content. This is
 * usually the same as mCurrent*, but may be larger if the screen decor has supplied content
 * insets.
public final Rect mContent = new Rect();

 * During layout, the frame in which voice content should be displayed to the user, accounting
 * for all screen decoration except for any space they deem as available for other content.
public final Rect mVoiceContent = new Rect();

/** During layout, the current screen borders along which input method windows are placed. */
public final Rect mDock = new Rect();
  • mCurrent 是布局的时候除去外部装饰的窗口(例如 StatusBar 和输入法窗口)。
  • mContent 是当前应该给用户显示的窗口,通常与 mCurrent 相同。当装饰窗口提供内容插入的时候,有可能比 mCurrent 更大。
  • mVoiceContent 通常与 mContent 相同。
  • mDock 是输入法布局时的边界。
/** The display cutout used for layout (after rotation) */
@NonNull public WmDisplayCutout mDisplayCutout = WmDisplayCutout.NO_CUTOUT;

/** The cutout as supplied by display info */
@NonNull public WmDisplayCutout mDisplayInfoCutout = WmDisplayCutout.NO_CUTOUT;

 * During layout, the frame that is display-cutout safe, i.e. that does not intersect with it.
public final Rect mDisplayCutoutSafe = new Rect();
  • mDisplayCutoutmDisplayInfoCutout 都是用于刘海屏布局的剪刀工具,Android 9.0 新加入的。可参考「Support display cutouts」和「Display Cutouts」。
  • mDisplayCutoutSafe 是在刘海屏上可以安全显示的区域,即这个区域与刘海区域没有交集。


An Android framework developer.

Window Touchable Region

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